Friday, January 23, 2009

Mommy are you going to die?

Earlier this week and I was sick and apparantly it was a little worrisome to R

R- "Mommy are you going to die?"
Me- "No, why?"
R- "Papa was sick and he died"
Me- "No, I just have a bug in my tummy, Papa's body was broken"

Then he hugged me and kissed me holding on a little longer than normal.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

She can do it all

E is so amazing. She is brilliant, beautiful the list goes on and on. Everything she does, she does well. When she started TKD, it wasn't long before she was being praised by other parents and instructors for her skill. Recently she started tumbling. Already she is showing so much progress. During class she is extremely focused and gives each attempt her all. Watching her grow has been so exciting (although sometimes exhausting) and I can't wait to see where her life takes her.

Monday, January 5, 2009


or as J says it unDEES. J loves undies. He will point to and comment whenever he sees them whether they are in a laundry basket, on a person or hiding under his sisters dress (which he promptly searches for).

Hoping to stimulate some interest potty training we put J in Thomas undies. Although he loves trains and is absolutely fascinated with undies the potty business was a no go.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

His breakthrough toy

As is always the case just after Christmas, we try to get rid of some of the old/no longer used toys to make room. While Daddy and I were recently going through the toys, we came accross this shape sorter. Although expecting an argument, I told Daddy we must keep this one. Without hesitation he not only agreed, but commented (with tears in his eyes) that it was J's breakthrough toy. Strangely enough, he was right.
About 2 months before J turned 2, he hadn't yet begun to talk and was still struggling with attachment. He found this toy and it quickly became a favorite. Hundreds of times throughout the day he would point to the shapes asking us to label them. In no time he had them all memorized, from the trapezoid to the hexagon. Shortly after, he began to open up and not only turned a corner with his speech, but also with his attachment. Before that point we were very worried about his development, but he with that toy and his desire to master it he showed us how incredibly bright he is.

The park

Often Daddy will give me a break and take the kids to the park. They really enjoy the park and I think Daddy gets a kick out of watching them play. Just the other day, he took the kids as well as my new camera and snapped a few pictures for me.

My favorite friend

Tonight just before bath, R very seriously said to me "mommy- you're my favorite friend". Needless to say, my heart melted.