Sunday, March 22, 2009


3 weeks ago tomorrow we turned in our application for baby #4. We have been told things are moving pretty quickly, so hope for a referral within the next couple of weeks, then 3-4 months after that for travel. We have decided to take all 3 kids and my mom, so it should be quite the adventure. We did "request" a girl this time (which seems weird to us since the other 3 times we had no preference), hoping to balance things out, but will be equally happy with a boy. Stay tuned for more info. and cross your fingers/say a prayer, rub your lucky rabbits foot that things go quickly.

I'm a wreck

My sweet R is off to preschool tomorrow. After being tested at 3 and 3 1/2, finally at 4 he qualified for speech services. I know he will do fine (at least I hope so since he is soooo sensitive and slow to warm up), but I will be a wreck. Fortunately for me, he is in afternoon preschool, so maybe J and I can take a nap so I don't have to worry the entire time he is gone.

Lollipop Mama

Strangely enough, these are the most important words we hear from J all day, because they mean he is telling us he has to go "poo poo on potty". He is now fully trained YEA. About 3 weeks ago, I decided that unless he had success, he was not going to wear undies (regardless of how many time he begged for them). We quit and less than a week later, he began to initiate the training. He was pee pee trained in a couple of days, but the poopy took a bit longer. He would go if we could grab him in time, but would not tell us he had to go. We finally decided a little bribery was in order, so out came the lollipops. Now when he needs to go poopy, he tells us "lollipop" and off we go to do his business, quickly followed by many cheers and a lollipop.