Sunday, September 14, 2008

Peer pressure- Maybe

...maybe not. For the past two months, J has been obsessed with letters. Because of this, he is constantly playing with the fridge magnets, watching the Letter Factory and asking us to label the letters in his puzzle. R is always so busy with his cars, trains, trucks etc... that he has never had time for this "stuff", until lately. It started with him always identifying his "R", then his brothers "J", as well as asking "what sound does the ___ make". Along the way he must have picked more up because when J got out the letter train puzzle, R helped me find most of the letters. I was so proud of him. He could identify so many letters. Was this because of our constant praise of J (knowing 20/26 letters of the alphabet at only 26 months) or is he finally interested. Not sure, but I'll take it.

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