Saturday, October 25, 2008

A really heavy load

I'm often chastised by family and friends for being too thin. Believe me, people can actually be just as mean about this than if I was heavy. I've been told way too many times how horrible I look or some other negativity in regards to my weight. The problem for me is having 3 very young children. I tell people they are sucking the life out of me (more specifically the weight). Tonight was the perfect example. We went to a Halloween carnival with Nanny. I had J in the Ergo and was actually wearing him in front for the warmth. As we were leaving R started to drag (it's tough being three in a six year old body). I asked Nanny to take my bag and then put R on my back. Needless to say, carrying 70 lbs. of kids on my 110 lb frame was tough, but we sure got to the car quicker than if R had been walking.

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