Saturday, October 4, 2008

When is it my turn Mom?

When she was little, I mistakenly believed that E was painfully shy. I have since discovered that like her Mommy, she is only shy when she is the only one in a group who doesn't know anyone. She will however slowly warm up if given the chance.
The times that E isn't shy is when it's one on one. E (at the ripe old age of 5 1/2 ) incorrectly assumes that when people come to our house they are there to see (and chat with) her. Too many times I have had to send her to her room becasue she is monopolizing the conversation with someone as important as J's previous speech pathologist. Today I was chatting with a previous coworker "S". During the conversation, E pulls her chair closer and says "When is it my turn to talk Mom". Much to her dismay, I told her she wouldn't get a chance since S was there to chat only with me. Fortunately E is a pretty resilient kid so, if her feelings were just a bit bruised, she moved on quickly.

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