Thursday, October 9, 2008

They're all different

Sure everyone says this about kids, but sometimes it's more obvious than others. No doubt E is brilliant and has always picked things up quickly, so unfortunately the boys are often compared to her. J takes longer, but is extremely determined and has learned quite a few things very early (ie. shapes by 23 months and letters by 27 months). R on the other hand has always done things at his own pace. He cannot be pushed or he literally turns into a brick wall. He has never memorized (to sing) nursery rhymes like other kids, didn't master his shapes until after 3 and had no interest in anything else academic. Lately though (with a little bit of pressure from baby brother), he has become more and more interested in the academic. He can verbally recall 22 letters of the alphabet and is able to point to the last 4 if laid out. Today we went to the mall and once in the elevator I asked him to push the number 1 which he found with no problem. When we needed to go back upstairs, he found the number 2 for me. Neither the letters nor the numbers would be that significant for a child who had attended pre school, or worked many hours with his Mama, but those things didn't happen, he has learned these early skills exclusively through play. Once again I am so proud of my sweet boy.

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